PollinationX Storage Provider
is an implementation of the RemoteStorageProvider
abstract class that facilitates interaction with the BitTorrent File System (BTFS) for remote storage purposes. With the methods it provides, you can upload and download files on BTFS.
Before using the PollinationX
storage provider, ensure you've properly set it up by providing the base URL and a valid authorization token.
Below is a demonstration of how to use the `PollinationX class. You can use this provider directly without needing any custom implementation.
import { PollinationX } from '@4thtech-sdk/storage';
const baseURL = 'https://your-pollination-x-gateway-url.com';
// Create an instance of PollinationX
const pollinationX = new PollinationX(baseURL, token);
// To upload a file
const uploadedFileUrl = await pollinationX.upload(file, fileName);
// To download a file
const fileContent = await pollinationX.download(uploadedFileUrl);