Encryptor AES Encryption

EncryptorAesEncryption is an implementation of the Encryption interface that uses AES encryption alongside the Encryptor extension to compute shared secrets. This approach allows data encryption between two parties, ensuring both sender and receiver can decrypt the data.


To use `EncryptorAesEncryption, you need to initialize it with the receiver's address. The class will retrieve the receiver's public key and compute the shared secret. This shared secret is then used to encrypt and decrypt data with AES encryption.

Note: It's crucial to ensure that the receiver's public key is retrievable. If it's not, encryption won't be possible.


Below is a demonstration of how to use the EncryptorAesEncryption class.

import { EncryptorAesEncryption } from '@4thtech-sdk/encryption';
import { Encryptor } from '@4thtech-sdk/ethereum';
import { arrayBufferToString, stringToArrayBuffer } from '@4thtech-sdk/utils';

// Create an instance of EncryptorService implementation
const encryptor = new Encryptor({
  /* ... */

// Initialize EncryptorAesEncryption with the service
const encryptorAesEncryption = new EncryptorAesEncryption(encryptor);

// Set up with the receiver's address
const receiverAddress = '0x...';
await encryptorAesEncryption.initialize(receiverAddress);

// Encrypt data
const plainData = stringToArrayBuffer('Your data to be encrypted');
const encryptedData = await encryptorAesEncryption.encrypt(plainData);

// For decryption, you also need encryption metadata
const encryptionMetaData = {
  type: EncryptionType.ENCRYPTOR_AES,
  senderPublicKey: 'SENDER_PUBLIC_KEY',
  receiverPublicKey: 'RECEIVER_PUBLIC_KEY',
const decryptedDataBuffer = await encryptorAesEncryption.decrypt(encryptedData, encryptionMetaData);
const decryptedData = arrayBufferToString(decryptedDataBuffer);
AES Encryption